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As we have educated ourselves about fast fashion over the past year we have learnt some hard truths about Shein. From the cotton they use, to the treatment of their workforce, to the detriment of our planet.

It is easy to do your own 'homework' on this organization. 

Canada has recently passed legislation stating that goods made by forced/slave/child labour will not be allowed into the country. 

It is time to make our politicians put their words in action and have  such organizations removed from Canada.

Please help by sending the email below to all the listed ministers.


Shein clothing company recently opened a warehouse and office in the City of Markham,

Ontario, and is an internationally known contributor to human rights abuses, forced labour and environmental damage around the world;

Concerns about chemicals used by Shein which are harmful to the purchasers and contribute to the pollution of our environment has been documented by health Canada;

We ask that in your capacity as Minister / Member of Parliament / our representatives in the Federal Government, that you demand the following with immediate effect and institute immediate removal of any and all violators.

● Require additional transparency from clothing and retail companies surrounding the

supply chain process, specifically related to the harvesting, sourcing, and production of


● Require additional transparency from clothing and retail companies related to worker pay and working conditions

● Require retail companies to minimize waste by disclosing how many returns they receive and how those returns are handled

● Require clothing and retail companies do their due diligence, including by carefully

assessing how they may be contributing to human rights abuse or environmental damage

abroad and by providing access to remedy when harms occur;

● Result in meaningful consequences for companies that fail to carry out and report on

adequate due diligence.

Should Shein fail to address the above within 30 days, that you ensure their removal from Canada and prevent any further shipments from entering the country.

Thank you,



Together we will effect positive change

We've let them know.....

The youth from The Giving Tree Unionville, along side a group of Uyghurs, who's community have been adversely affected by companies like SHEIN, came out to protest the existence of such an entity in the City of Markham. We have logged a complaint to CORE as well as to the federal government. Our petition has been read and we patiently await the next steps. Canada has a policy in place prohibiting goods made by slave labour from entering the country. We demand that this policy is put into effect.

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